
with our amazing products, simple ordering system, and superior delivery experience, We hope to make this the easiest & most profitable fundraiser you’ve ever had!

Choose the dates you'd like to run, then sign up online by clicking here! You'll receive a confirmation email so you can verify the dates and details. Set up your online store with the link you receive & start selling right away! Want paper order forms? (For the most successful sale, we recommend a combination of both paper & online sales.) We can send order forms & posters as soon as we know they’re good to print.

STEP 1: Sign Up!

STEP 2: Kickoff

Because Butter Braid® pastries are so unique, if this is your first Butter Braid® fundraiser we’ll be happy to come introduce the pastries to your group. Tasting the pastries helps people to get excited to sell them. We’ll bring the forms and baked pastries for everybody to taste. And we’ll take a few minutes to explain how it works & answer any questions.

STEP 3: Promote

Be sure to set up your online store & encourage all your sellers to share their unique store link with friends & family via text, email or social media.

We strongly recommend utilizing the online store. It’s easy, and it helps most groups increase their sales 40% over their sales that only used paper forms. If you’re not able to use the online store for some reason, click here for some great ideas to promote your sale.

If it works for your particular group, offer no-cost incentives that your group will get excited about. Homework passes, anyone? How about a pizza or ice cream party?

STEP 4: Wrap Up

Collect order forms and money, deposit all the funds & cut one check for the amount of the invoice. You’re only paying for the cost of the pastries; keep the rest as your profit!

If your sale is all online, using our online store, all you have to do is hit “submit order” by the due date.

Hang on to the paper order forms & have them at delivery.

Orders will be sorted & labeled for each seller. We’ll unload everything & stack it alphabetically for easy pickup. That only takes about 30 minutes.

Please have your order forms in alphabetical order for delivery day.

Once we leave, your pastries will stay frozen for about 2-3 hours. After 2-3 hours, they must be put back into a freezer.

ALL orders will be delivered together; both from paper forms & the online store. Sellers who had online sales will have a label on their box with customer & order information.

STEP 5: Delivery

No need to wait for a profit check. You have it in hand once your product has sold and your invoice is paid. If your sale was all or mostly online, we’ll bring your profit check at delivery!
